
(Bold font indicates applicant; underlined font indicates other student authors; *indicates shared first authorship)
Publications In Preparation
4. Blackwell AA, Marsland P, Keihler KT, Deak T (In Preparation). Intermittent adolescent (but not adult) forced ethanol consumption impairs spatial orientation in adulthood. Behavioral Brain Research.
3. Blackwell AA, Reitz NL, Chatterton B, Savage LM (In Preparation). Intermittent adolescent ethanol exposure leads to sex-specific spatial disorientation in adulthood. Alcoholism: Clinical & Experimental Research.
2. Blackwell AA*, Saadat A*, Kazowski C, Pallera H, Owens D, Lattanzio F, Britten RA, Tushar S (In Preparation). Distinct spatial deficits and select effects of therapeutic hypothermia in neonatal hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy. Hippocampus.
1. Blackwell AA, Osterlund Oltmanns JR, Schaeffer EA, Banovetz MT, Lake RI, Whishaw IQ, Hastings' P, Wallace DG (In preparation). Cross-Species Comparative Analyses of Bimanual String-Pulling Behavior. Behavioral Ecology.
Publications Under Review
1. Blackwell AA, Kim C, Tracz J, Britten RA (UR). Movement inaccuracies and postural instability in female rats after exposure to deep space radiation and sleep fragmentation.
Publications Peer Reviewed
27. Schaeffer EA, Osterlund Oltmanns JR, Blackwell AA, Lake RI, Hastings P, Whishaw IQ, Wallace DG (2024). Application of scaling to mouse spontaneous movement: Path curvature varies with speed and linear distance features isochrony. Behavioural Brain Research, 469, 115062.
26. Britten RA, Fesshaye AS, Tidmore A, Liu A, Blackwell AA (2023). Loss of practice effects during cognitive flexibility performance in female rats exposed to simulated space radiation. Radiation Research, 200(3): 256-265.
25. Hart ML*, Blackwell AA*, Whishaw IQ, Wallace DG, Cheatwood JL (2023). Impairments and compensation in string-pulling after middle cerebral artery occlusion in the rat. Behavioural Brain Research, 114469.
24. Stephenson S, Liu A, Blackwell AA, Britten BA (2023). Multiple decrements in switch task performance in female rats exposed to space radiation. Behavioral Brain Research, 449: 114465.
23. Blackwell AA, Jodelka F, Lake RI, Hastings M, Wallace DG (2023). Spatial disorientation under dark conditions across development in an Alzheimer’s disease mouse model. Neuroscience, 511: 53-69.
22. Blackwell AA*, Tracz JA*, Fesshaye AS, Tidmore A, Osterlund Oltmanns JR, Schaeffer EA, Lake RI, Wallace DG, Britten RA (2022). Fine motor deficits exhibited in rat string-pulling behavior following exposure to sleep fragmentation and deep space radiation. Experimental Brain Research, 241(2): 427-440.
21. Saadat A*, Blackwell AA*, Kazowski C, Pallera H, Owens D, Lattanzio F, Tushar S (2022). Therapeutic hypothermia demonstrates sex-dependent improvement in motor function in a rat model of neonatal hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy. Behavioral Brain Research, 437: 114119.
20. Marsland P, Vore AS, DaPrano E, Paluch JM, Blackwell AA, Varlinskaya EI, Deak T (2022). Sex-specific effects of ethanol consumption in older Fischer 344 rats on microglial dynamics and AB (1-42) accumulation. Alcohol, Special Issue, 107: 108-118.
19. Osterlund Oltmanns JR*, Schaeffer EA*, Blackwell AA, Lake RI, Einhaus RE, Kartje GL, Wallace DG (2022). Age related changes in the organization of spontaneously occurring behaviors. Behavioral Processes, 104437.
18. Britten RA, Fesshaye AS, Tidmore A, Blackwell AA (2022). Similar loss of executive function performance after exposure to low (10 cGy) doses of singe (4He) ions and the multi-ion GCRsim beam. Radiation Research, 198(4): 375-383.
17. Blackwell AA, Fesshye A, Tidmore A, Lake RI, Wallace DG, Britten RA (2022). Rapid loss of sensorimotor function after low dose space radiation. Behavioral Brain Research, 400, 113030.
16. Ton ST, Laghi JR, Tsai S, Blackwell AA, Osterlund-Oltmanns JR, Adamczyk NS, Britten RA, Wallace DG, Kartje GL (2022). 28Silicon Exposure, a Component of Galactic Cosmic Radiation, Induced Long-term Microglial and Neurogenic Responses. Radiation Research, 198(1): 28-39.
15. Britten RA, Blackwell AA (2022). A rationale for the use of rehabilitative approaches to ameliorate possible space radiation induced loss of cognitive and sensorimotor function during a mission to Mars. Journal of Rehabilitation Research and Practice, 3 (1): 29-34.
14. Schaeffer EA, Blackwell AA, Osterlund Oltmanns JR, Einhaus, R, Lake R, Piowower Hien C, Bauch J, Limoli C, Wallace DG (2021). Differential disruptions in open field behavior in mice following acute or chronic simulated GCR. Behavioral Brain Research, 416, 113577.
13. Osterlund Oltmanns JR, Lipton MH, Adamczyk N, Lake RI, Blackwell AA, Schaeffer EA, Tsai S, Kartje GL, Wallace DG (2021). Organization of exploratory behavior under dark conditions in female and male rats. Behavioural Processes, 104437.
12. Banovetz MT, Blackwell AA, Osterlund JO, Schaeffer ES, Cuthbert K, Parlogean A, Yoder R, Wallace DG (2021). Bilateral Chemical Labyrinthectomy Disrupts Exploratory Behavior in Mice. Experimental Brain Research, 239(4): 1125-1139.
11. Blackwell AA, Schell BD, Osterlund Oltmanns JR, Whishaw IQ, Ton ST, Adamczyk NS, Kartje GL, Britten RA, Wallace DG (2021). Skilled movement and posture deficits in rat string-pulling behavior following low dose space radiation (28Si) exposure. Behavioral Brain Research, 400 (2): 113010.
10. Blackwell AA, Wallace DG (2020). Effects of String Length on the organization of rat string-pulling behavior. Animal Cognition, 23, 415-425.
9. Singh S, Mandziak A, Barr K, Blackwell AA, Mohajerani MH, Wallace DG, Whishaw IQ (2019). Reach and grasp altered in pantomime string-pulling: A test of the action/perception theory in a bilateral reaching task. Experimental Brain Research.237, 3431-3447.
8. Donaldson TN, Jennings KT, Cherep LA, Blankenship PA, Blackwell AA, Yoder RM, Wallace DG. (2019). Progression and stop organization reveals conservation of movement organization during dark exploration across rats and mice. Behavioural Processes, 162, 29-38.
7. Blackwell AA, Banovetz MT, Qandeel, Whishaw IQ, Wallace DG (2018). The structure of arm and hand movements in a spontaneous and food rewarded on-line string-pulling task by the mouse. Behavioural Brain Research, 345, 49-58.
6. Blackwell AA, Köppen JR, Whishaw IQ, Wallace DG (2018). String-pulling for food by the rat: Assessment of movement, topography and kinematics of a bilaterally skilled forelimb act. Learning and Motivation, 61, 63-73.
5. Blackwell AA, Widick WL, Cheatwood JL, Whishaw IQ, Wallace DG (2018). Unilateral Forelimb Sensorimotor Cortex Devascularization Disrupts the Topographic and Kinematic Characteristics of Hand Movements while string-pulling for Food in the Rat. Behavioral Brain Research, 338, 88-100.
4. Blankenship PA, Blackwell AA, Ebrahimi N, Benson JW, Wallace DG (2016). A history of adolescent binge drinking in humans is associated with impaired self-movement cue processing on manipulatory scale navigation tasks. Physiology & Behavior, 161, 130-139.
3. Köppen JR, Stuebing SS, Sieg M, Blackwell AA, Blankenship PA, Cheatwood JL, Wallace DG (2016). Cholinergic deafferentation of the hippocampus causes non-temporally graded retrograde amnesia in an odor discrimination task. Behavioural Brain Research, 299, 97-104.
2. Köppen JR, Blankenship PA, Blackwell AA, Winter SS, Stuebing SS, Matuszewich L, Wallace DG (2015). Comparison of direction and distance estimation across spatial tasks: Absence of sexually dimorphic self-movement cues processing. Learning and Motivation, 51, 11-24.
1. Yoder RM, Goebel EA, Köppen JR, Blankenship PA, Blackwell AA, Wallace DG (2015). Otolithic information is required for homing in the mouse. Hippocampus, 25(8): 890-899.