
Ashley Blackwell, Ph.D.
Dr. Blackwell's background is in behavioural neuroscience with a focus in characterizing cognition and movement organization at the manipulatory (i.e., reach to grasp) and ambulatory (i.e., whole body) levels in healthy and disease states. She obtained her B.S. and Ph.D. from Northern Illinois University in DeKalb, IL. During her Master's thesis work, Dr. Blackwell examined temporal, motivational, and discrimination aspects of the organization of behavior using novel string-pulling tasks. For her Ph.D., she identified early evidence of spatial disorientation in a genetic mouse model of Alzheimer's disease that progressed across development. She did one year of postdoctoral work as a T32 fellow at Binghamton SUNY in Binghamton, New York where she also held an affiliation with the Developmental Exposure Alcohol Research Center evaluating the effects of binge alcohol consumption on the trajectory of Alzheimer's disease related neuropathology. Due to receiving NASA grant support, Dr. Blackwell then conducted a two year postdoc/research scholar position at Eastern Virginia Medical School within the Radiation Oncology Department in Norfolk, VA elucidating the effects of space flight stressors on cognition, sensorimotor function, and neural activity. Now that she has opened her own lab within the Psychology Department at UNLV and is beginning to set things up, Dr. Blackwell looks forward to training students in all aspects of science whether it's geared toward industry, academia, government, or something else!
Curriculum Vitae
Updated: 2/26/2024
The University of Nevada, Las Vegas, NV, 2023-Current
Tenure Track Assistant Professor of Neuroscience, Department of Psychology
Eastern Virginia Medical School, Norfolk, VA, 2021-2023
Research Scholar, Radiation Oncology
Affiliation: Center for Integrative Neuroscience and Inflammatory Diseases
Advisor: Dr. Richard Britten
Binghamton University SUNY, Binghamton, NY, 2020-2021
Postdoctoral Fellow, Psychology, Behavioral Neuroscience,
Affiliation: Developmental Exposure Alcohol Research Center
Advisors: Dr. Lisa Savage and Dr. Terrence Deak
Ph.D., Psychology. Concentration: Neuroscience and Behavior,
Certification in Quantitative Statistics
2018-2020 Northern Illinois University, DeKalb, IL Advisor: Douglas G. Wallace
Dissertation: Hippocampal cholinergic function and exploratory behavior throughout development in a genetic mouse model of Alzheimer’s disease
M.A., Psychology. Concentration: Neuroscience and Behavior
2013-2018 Northern Illinois University, DeKalb, IL Advisor: Douglas G Wallace
Thesis: Tugging at time: the role of temporal processing in the organization of string-pulling
B.S., Psychology, Sociology minor. Concentration: Neuroscience and Behavior
2010-2013 Northern Illinois University, DeKalb, IL Advisor: Douglas G Wallace
B.S., Biology. Concentration: General studies
2009-2010 Concordia University Chicago, River Forest, IL
NASA Minority University Research and Education Project Curriculum Award, $1,199,999, 2023-2026
NASA E.11 Space Biology: Animal Studies Grant, $100,000, 2023-2024
NASA Human Research Program: Postdoctoral Grant Augmentation Award, $25,000, 2022
Postdoctoral fellowship funded by T32 Grant, 2020-2021
Outstanding Graduate Student Award, 2020
NASA Human Research Program: Graduate Grant Augmentation Award, $30,000, 2020
Dissertation Completion Award Fellowship, 2019-2020
Community Foundation Scholarship, 2009-2013
(Bold font indicates applicant; underlined font indicates other student authors; *indicates shared first authorship)
Publications In Preparation
4. Blackwell AA, Marsland P, Keihler KT, Deak T (In Preparation). Intermittent adolescent (but not adult) forced ethanol consumption impairs spatial orientation in adulthood. Behavioral Brain Research.
3. Blackwell AA, Reitz NL, Chatterton B, Savage LM (In Preparation). Intermittent adolescent ethanol exposure leads to sex-specific spatial disorientation in adulthood. Alcoholism: Clinical & Experimental Research.
2. Blackwell AA*, Saadat A*, Kazowski C, Pallera H, Owens D, Lattanzio F, Britten RA, Tushar S (In Preparation). Distinct spatial deficits and select effects of therapeutic hypothermia in neonatal hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy. Hippocampus.
1. Blackwell AA, Osterlund Oltmanns JR, Schaeffer EA, Banovetz MT, Lake RI, Whishaw IQ, Hastings' P, Wallace DG (In preparation). Cross-Species Comparative Analyses of Bimanual String-Pulling Behavior. Behavioral Ecology.
Publications Under Review
2. Schaeffer EA, Osterlund Oltmanns JR, Blackwell AA, Lake RI, Hastings P, Whishaw IQ, Wallace DG (UR). Tow organizing principles of mouse spatial behavior: Path curvature varies with speed and linear distance features isochrony. Behavioural Brain Research.
1. Blackwell AA, Kim C, Tracz J, Britten RA (UR). Movement inaccuracies and postural instability in female rats after exposure to deep space radiation and sleep fragmentation. Life.
Publications Peer Reviewed
26. Britten RA, Fesshaye AS, Tidmore A, Liu A, Blackwell AA (2023). Loss of practice effects during cognitive flexibility performance in female rats exposed to simulated space radiation. Radiation Research.
25. Hart ML*, Blackwell AA*, Whishaw IQ, Wallace DG, Cheatwood JL (2023). Use of String-Pulling as a Behavioral Measure of Skilled Hand Motor Function in a Middle Cerebral Artery Occlusion Model in Rats. Behavioural Brain Research.
24. Stephenson S, Liu A, Blackwell AA, Britten BA (2023). Multiple decrements in switch task performance in female rats exposed to space radiation. Behavioral Brain Research.
23. Blackwell AA, Jodelka F, Lake RI, Hastings M, Wallace DG (2023). Spatial disorientation under dark conditions across development in an Alzheimer’s disease mouse model, Neuroscience.
22. Blackwell AA*, Tracz JA*, Fesshaye AS, Tidmore A, Osterlund Oltmanns JR, Schaeffer EA, Lake RI, Wallace DG, Britten RA (2022). Fine motor deficits exhibited in rat string-pulling behavior following exposure to sleep fragmentation and deep space radiation, Experimental Brain Research.
21. Saadat A*, Blackwell AA*, Kazowski C, Pallera H, Owens D, Lattanzio F, Tushar S (2022). Therapeutic hypothermia demonstrates sex-dependent improvement in motor function in a rat model of neonatal hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy, Behavioral Brain Research.
20. Marsland P, Vore AS, DaPrano E, Paluch JM, Blackwell AA, Varlinskaya EI, Deak T (2022). Sex-specific effects of ethanol consumption in older Fischer 344 rats on microglial dynamics and AB (1-42) accumulation. Alcohol, Special Issue.
19. Osterlund Oltmanns JR*, Schaeffer EA*, Blackwell AA, Lake RI, Einhaus RE, Kartje GL, Wallace DG (2022). Age related changes in the organization of spontaneously occurring behaviors, Behavioral Processes, p.104437.
18. Britten RA, Fesshaye AS, Tidmore A, Blackwell AA (2022). Similar loss of executive function performance after exposure to low (10 cGy) doses of singe (4He) ions and the multi-ion GCRsim beam, Radiation Research.
17. Blackwell AA, Fesshye A, Tidmore A, Lake RI, Wallace DG, Britten RA (2022). Rapid loss of sensorimotor function after low dose space radiation, Behavioral Brain Research, 400, 113030.
16. Ton ST, Laghi JR, Tsai S, Blackwell AA, Osterlund-Oltmanns JR, Adamczyk NS, Britten RA, Wallace DG, Kartje GL (2022). 28Silicon Exposure, a Component of Galactic Cosmic Radiation, Induced Long-term Microglial and Neurogenic Responses, Radiation Research, 198(1): 28-39.
15. Britten RA, Blackwell AA (2022). A rationale for the use of rehabilitative approaches to ameliorate possible space radiation induced loss of cognitive and sensorimotor function during a mission to Mars. Journal of Rehabilitation Research and Practice, 3 (1): 29-34.
14. Schaeffer EA, Blackwell AA, Osterlund Oltmanns JR, Einhaus, R, Lake R, Piowower Hien C, Bauch J, Limoli C, Wallace DG (2021). Differential disruptions in open field behavior in mice following acute or chronic simulated GCR. Behavioral Brain Research, 416, 113577.
13. Osterlund Oltmanns JR, Lipton MH, Adamczyk N, Lake RI, Blackwell AA, Schaeffer EA, Tsai S, Kartje GL, Wallace DG (2021). Organization of exploratory behavior under dark conditions in female and male rats. Behavioural Processes, 104437.
12. Banovetz MT, Blackwell AA, Osterlund JO, Schaeffer ES, Cuthbert K, Parlogean A, Yoder R, Wallace DG (2021). Bilateral Chemical Labyrinthectomy Disrupts Exploratory Behavior in Mice. Experimental Brain Research, 239(4), 1125-1139.
11. Blackwell AA, Schell BD, Osterlund Oltmanns JR, Whishaw IQ, Ton ST, Adamczyk NS, Kartje GL, Britten RA, Wallace DG (2021). Skilled movement and posture deficits in rat string-pulling behavior following low dose space radiation (28Si) exposure. Behavioral Brain Research, 400 (2): 113010.
10. Blackwell AA, Wallace DG (2020). Effects of String Length on the organization of rat string-pulling behavior. Animal Cognition, 23, 415-425.
9. Singh S, Mandziak A, Barr K, Blackwell AA, Mohajerani MH, Wallace DG, Whishaw IQ (2019). Reach and grasp altered in pantomime string-pulling: A test of the action/perception theory in a bilateral reaching task. Experimental Brain Research.237, 3431-3447.
8. Donaldson TN, Jennings KT, Cherep LA, Blankenship PA, Blackwell AA, Yoder RM, Wallace DG. (2019). Progression and stop organization reveals conservation of movement organization during dark exploration across rats and mice. Behavioural Processes, 162, 29-38.
7. Blackwell AA, Banovetz MT, Qandeel, Whishaw IQ, Wallace DG (2018). The structure of arm and hand movements in a spontaneous and food rewarded on-line string-pulling task by the mouse. Behavioural Brain Research, 345, 49-58.
6. Blackwell AA, Köppen JR, Whishaw IQ, Wallace DG (2018). String-pulling for food by the rat: Assessment of movement, topography and kinematics of a bilaterally skilled forelimb act. Learning and Motivation, 61, 63-73.
5. Blackwell AA, Widick WL, Cheatwood JL, Whishaw IQ, Wallace DG (2018). Unilateral Forelimb Sensorimotor Cortex Devascularization Disrupts the Topographic and Kinematic Characteristics of Hand Movements while string-pulling for Food in the Rat. Behavioral Brain Research, 338, 88-100.
4. Blankenship PA, Blackwell AA, Ebrahimi N, Benson JW, Wallace DG (2016). A history of adolescent binge drinking in humans is associated with impaired self-movement cue processing on manipulatory scale navigation tasks. Physiology & Behavior, 161, 130-139.
3. Köppen JR, Stuebing SS, Sieg M, Blackwell AA, Blankenship PA, Cheatwood JL, Wallace DG (2016). Cholinergic deafferentation of the hippocampus causes non-temporally graded retrograde amnesia in an odor discrimination task. Behavioural Brain Research, 299, 97-104.
2. Köppen JR, Blankenship PA, Blackwell AA, Winter SS, Stuebing SS, Matuszewich L, Wallace DG (2015). Comparison of direction and distance estimation across spatial tasks: Absence of sexually dimorphic self-movement cues processing. Learning and Motivation, 51, 11-24.
1. Yoder RM, Goebel EA, Köppen JR, Blankenship PA, Blackwell AA, Wallace DG (2015). Otolithic information is required for homing in the mouse. Hippocampus, 25(8) 890-899.
Publications Pre-Printed
1. Hart ML*, Blackwell AA*, Whishaw IQ, Wallace DG, Cheatwood JL (2022). Use of String-Pulling as a Behavioral Measure of Skilled Hand Motor Function in a Middle Cerebral Artery Occlusion Model in Rats. Biorxv.
**Signifies invited talk; +Signifies talk presenter.
20. Ton ST, +Laghi JR, Simmons G, Kankash R, Schaeffer EA, Blackwell AA, Osterlund Oltmanns JR, Baulch JE, Limoli CL, Wallace DG, Kartje GL (2023). Exposure to chronic galactic cosmic radiation increases microglia responses in the subventricular zone in female mice. 2023 Human Research Program Investigators’ Workshop, Galveston, TX, USA
19. Britten RA, Fesshaye AS, Tidmore A, Liu A, Blackwell AA (2023). Loss of cognitive flexibility performance in female rats exposed to simulated space radiation. Evidence of sex-dependent and independent decrements. 2023 Human Research Program Investigators’ Workshop, Galveston TX
18. **Britten RA, Blackwell AA, Yoon H, Sanford L (2023). An Approach to assess neural network signaling in rodents under task loading conditions. 40th Annual Society for Brain Mapping and Therapeutics. Los Angeles, CA, USA
17. Schaeffer EA, Osterlund Oltmanns JR, Blackwell AA, Einhaus RE, Kartje G, Wallace DG (2022). Effects of Age on Spatial Organization of Open Field Behavior in Female Rats. Animal Behavior Conference, Bloomington, Indiana, USA
16. Osterlund Oltmanns JR, Blankenship PA, Schaeffer EA, Blackwell AA, Pinkle T, Wallace DG (2022). Humans exhibit differences in route effciency when navigating environmental space. Midwestern Psychological Association, Chicago, IL, USA
15. Blackwell AA, Fesshaye A, Tidmore Alyssa, Osterlund Oltmanns JR, Whishaw IQ, Wallace DG, Britten RA (2022). Effect of Space Radiation and Sleep Fragmentation on Rat String-Pulling Behavior. 2022 Human Research Program Investigators’ Workshop, Virtual
14. Blackwell AA, Wallace DG, Britten RA (2021). Impact of Combined Space Radiation Exposure and Sleep Perturbation on Fine Motor Control. Human Factors and Behavioral Performance, Human Research Program. Project update.
13. Blackwell AA, Marsland PB, Reitz NL, Keihler KT, Chatterton B, Deak T, Savage LM (2021). Homebase instability during dark exploration following intermittent adolescent ethanol exposure. 2021 Research Society on Alcohol, San Antonia, TX/Virtual
12. Osterlund Oltmanns JR, Banovetz MT, Lake R, Blackwell AA, Schaeffer EA, Yoder R, Wallace DG (2021). Temporal effects of acquired vestibular pathology on mouse exploratory behavior. Midwestern Psychological Association, Chicago, IL.
11. Osterlund Oltmanns JR, Lipton MH, Adamczyk N, Lake RI, Blackwell AA, Schaeffer EA, Tsai S, Kartje GL, Wallace DG (2021). Sexually dimorphic lateral movement organization does not influence self-movement cue processing in rats during open field behavior. Animal Behavior Conference, Virtual
10. Osterlund Oltmanns JR, Blackwell AA, Schaeffer EA, Lake RI, Wallace DG (2021). Temporal Effects of Acquired Vestibular Pathology on Mouse Behavior. 2021 Midwestern Psychological Association, Virtual
9. Schaeffer EA, Blackwell AA, Osterlund Oltmanns JR, Einhaus R, Lake R, Piowower Hien C, Bauch J, Limoli C, Wallace DG (2021). Exploration organization disrupted following acute high dose GCR-sim irradiated mice. 2021 Human Research Program Investigators’ Workshop, Virtual
8. Blackwell AA, Osterlund Oltmanns JR, Lipton MH, Schell BD, Whishaw IQ, Britten RA, Wallace DG (2021). Skilled movement deficits in rat string-pulling behavior following single low dose space radiation (5 cGy 28SI) Exposure. 2021 Human Research Program Investigators’ Workshop, Virtual
7. Osterlund Oltmanns JR, Banovetz MT, Lake R, Blackwell AA, Schaeffer EA, Yoder R, Wallace DG (2020). The effects of acquired vestibular pathology on the organization of exploratory behavior in mice. 3rd Interdisciplinary Navigation Symposium, Virtual
6. Blackwell AA, Jodelka F, Lake R, Hastings M, Wallace DG (2020). Wandering but not lost: Disrupted dark exploration in AD mice. Midwestern Psychological Association, Chicago, IL. (Accepted, COVID-19 conference cancellation)
5. Osterlund JR, Blackwell AA, Lipton MH, Adamczyk N, Cuthbert K, Lake R, Wallace DG (2020). Navigating rat sexual dimorphisms: Similar exploratory behavior between sexes. Midwestern Psychological Association, Chicago, IL. (Accepted, COVID-19 conference cancellation)
4. Blackwell AA, Schell BD, Whishaw IQ, Britten RA, Wallace DG (2020). Disruptions in rat string-pulling behavior following 5 cGy 28Silicon exposure. 2020 Human Research Program Investigators’ Workshop, Galveston, TX
3. Blackwell AA, Widick WL, Cheatwood JL, Wallace DG (2016) Persistent Movement Organization Deficits are Associated with Devascularization of the Sensorimotor Cortex in a String-Pulling Task. Midwestern Psychological Association, Chicago, IL
2. Blackwell AA, Wallace DG (2014) Tugging at time: Different length strings are sufficient to elicit odor discrimination. Annual Midwestern Psychological Association Conference. Palmer House, Chicago, IL
1. Köppen JR, Stuebing SS, Blackwell AA, Sieg M, Wallace DG (2014) Hippocampal cholinergic deafferentation causes retrograde amnesia in the string-pulling task. 86th Annual Midwestern Psychological Association Conference, Chicago, IL
(*Graduate award received for paper by first author)
**Signifies invited poster.
23. Shuboni-Mulligan DD, Blackwell AA, Britten RA, Gall J. The impact of space radiation on the circadian visual system in the retina and brain of female Wistar rats. Society for Neuroscience, Washington D.C.
22. **Blackwell AA, Maharathi B, Tran HV, Le TC, Yoon H, Britten RA (2023). Acute effects of low dose space radiation on neural activity (2023). 40th Annual Society for Brain Mapping and Therapeutics. Los Angeles, CA, USA
21. Blackwell AA, Tracz JA, Kim C, Feeshaye AS, Britten RA (2023). Acute and protracted effects of deep space radiation exposure on fine motor control in female rats. 2023 Human Research Program Investigators’ Workshop, Galveston, TX, USA
20. Blackwell AA, Dunn K, Tran H, Pham V, Fesshaye AS, Yoon H, Le T, Maharathi B, Britten RA (2023). Impact of low dose single ion (4He) exposure on neural activity. 2023 Human Research Program Investigators’ Workshop, Galveston TX
19. Stephenson S, Liu A, Blackwell AA, Britten RA (2023). Multiple decrements in switch task performance in female rats exposed to space radiation. 2023 Human Research Program Investigators’ Workshop, Galveston, TX, USA
18. Saadat A, Blackwell AA, Kazowski C, Pallera H, Owens D, Lattanzio F, Tushar Shah (2022). Therapeutic Hypothermia Demonstrates Sex-Dependent Improvement in Sensorimotor and Temporospatial Organization in a Rat Model of Neonatal Hypoxic-Ischemic Encephalopathy. Pediatric Academic Societies Meeting, Denver, Colorado, USA
17. Ton ST, Laghi JR, Simmons G, Schreiber J, Schaeffer EA, Blackwell AA, Osterlund Oltmanns JR, Baulch JE, Limoli CL, Wallace DG, Kartje GL (2022). Exposure to chronic galactic cosmic radiation increases microglial responses in the subventricular zone in female mice. 2022 Human Research Program Investigators’ Workshop, Virtual
16. Ton ST, Blackwell AA, Osterlund Oltmanns JR, Schell BR, Wallace DG, Britten RA, Kartje GL (2021). Exposure to low dose galactic cosmic radiation increases microglia responses in the subventricular zone in rats. 2021 Human Research Program Investigators’ Workshop, Virtual
15. Banovetz MT, Blackwell AA, Osterlund JR, Lake R, Wallace DG, Yoder RM (2020). Vestibular Dysfunction Alters the Organization of Exploratory Movements in Mice. Midwestern Psychological Association, Chicago, IL. (Accepted, COVID-19 conference cancellation)
14. Ton ST, Adamczyk NS, Osterlund JR, Blackwell AA, Wallace DG, Britten RA, Kartje GL (2020). Effects of 5 cGy 28Silicon on markers on neuroplasticity and neuroinflammation. 2020 Human Research Program Investigators’ Workshop, Galveston, TX
13. Blackwell AA, Hart M, Whishaw IQ, Cheatwood JL, Wallace DG (2019). Disruptions of fine motor control in string-pulling behavior following middle cerebral artery occlusion (MCAO) stroke in the rat. Society for Neuroscience, Chicago, IL
12. Osterlund JR, Blackwell AA, Lipton M, Castillo V, Kartje GL, Tsai SY, Wallace DG (2019). Selective loss of septohippocampal cholinergic projections is associated with more circuitous homeward progressions. Society for Neuroscience, Chicago, IL
11. Lake RI, Adamczyk N, Lord M, Blackwell AA, Osterlund JR, Hastings P, Whishaw IQ, Wallace DG (2019). Using machine learning to investigate sexual dimorphisms in fine motor control during rat string-pulling behavior. Society for Neuroscience, Chicago, IL
10. Lake RI, Adamczyk N, Blackwell AA, Osterlund JR, Segismundo A, Foecking E, Hastings P, Wallace DG (2019). Accuracy of deeplabcut machine learning to markerlessly track foot position during skilled walking. Chicago Chapter of Society for Neuroscience Annual meeting, Chicago IL
9. Blackwell AA, Schell BD, Britten RA, Wallace DG (2019). Single Low Dose of Simulated Space Radiation Impairs Fine Motor Control. Chicago Chapter of Society for Neuroscience Annual meeting, Chicago IL
8. Hart ML, Blackwell AA, Wallace DG, Cheatwood JL (2018) Use of String-Pulling as a Behavioral Measure of Skilled Hand Motor Function in a Middle Cerebral Artery Occlusion Model in Rats. Experimental Biology, San Diego, CA
7. Blackwell AA, Banovetz MT, Whishaw IQ, Wallace DG (2018). Symmetrical Reach and Grasp Movements by Mice in a String-Pulling Task. Midwestern Psychological Association, Chicago, IL
6. Blackwell AA, Widick WL, Cheatwood JL, Wallace DG (2016) Persistent Movement Organization Deficits are Associated with Devascularization of the Sensorimotor Cortex in a String-Pulling Task. Midwestern Psychological Association, Chicago, IL
5. Blackwell AA, Widick WL, Cheatwood JL, Wallace DG (2015) Devascularization of sensorimotor cortex produces persistent deficits in a sting pulling task. Society for Neuroscience, Chicago, IL
4. Blankenship PA, Blackwell AA, Shirar AR, Parker M, Wallace DG (2014) Does a history of adolescent binge drinking influence performance on manipulatory-scale spatial tasks? 44th Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, Washington, D.C.
3. Köppen JR, Stuebing SS, Sieg M, Blackwell AA, Blankenship PA, Grisley ED, Cheatwood JL, Wallace DG (2014) Is selective hippocampal cholinergic deafferentation sufficient to produce temporal graded retrograde amnesia? Society for Neuroscience, Washington, DC.
2. Köppen JR, Blackwell AA, Stuebing SS, Wallace DG. (2013) Exploiting spontaneous behaviors: Use of the string-pulling task to evaluate discrimination learning. 20th Annual Animal Behavior Conference. Bloomington, IN
1. Blackwell AA, Stuebing SS, Finney A, Matuszewich L, Köppen JR, Wallace DG. (2012) Evaluating sex differences in self-movement cue processing in dead reckoning. 42nd Annual Society for Neuroscience Conference. Ernest N. Morial Convention Center, New Orleans, LA
• Perform a variety of stereotaxic surgical techniques (i.e., devascularization, electrolytic, neurotoxic, and experience with middle cerebral artery occlusion stroke model and pump implants), cannula implantation, retroactive viral tracers, and chemogenetics
• Immunohistochemistry, immunofluorescence, and histological techniques
• Synthesize electrodes for field potential analysis in vivo with mice and rats, conduct experiments on spatial, cognitive, and sensorimotor tasks during tethered and wireless electrophysiological recordings using Neuralynx, and analyze data using Matlab, Spike2, SpikeSort, and ClusterCut programs
• Wirelessly record sleep in rats and analyze sleep stages; evaluate effects of sleep fragmentation on neural activity and behavior
• Measure acetylcholine via microdialysis in freely moving rats interacting in social tasks
• Conduct immune system challenges (i.e., liposaccharide and Polyinosinic:polycytidylic acid)
• Analyze blood alcohol concentration using analox system
• Experience with running assays (Bradford, Glucose, Corticosterone, and Progesterone)
• Administer intragastric gavage and forced consumption alcohol models in rodents in adolescence and early adulthood
• Work in an animal colony, perform rodent breeding and husbandry, and genotyping
• Microscopy (confocal immunofluorescence 3D reconstruction, slide scanner, Halo and Imaris software)
• Develop staining protocols for immunohistology and immunofluorescence
• Slice (histology) and punch (for real-time polymerase chain reaction) brains via cryostat
• Perform smears to assess the estrous cycle and classify cells by stage
• Work with animal models of Alzheimer's disease, stroke, vestibular dysfunction, binge-drinking, irradiation exposure, and sleep disruptions.
• Develop and conduct experiments that involve various spatial, cognitive, and motor tasks and pilot studies with rodents (i.e., fear conditioning, sickness behavior, water maze, spontaneous exploration, food hoarding, radial arm maze, barnes maze, food protection, social recognition, various operant conditioning paradigms, such as ATSET and matching and non-matching to sample, string-pulling, and rung walking)
• Conduct experiments that involve humans in behavioral tasks, such as spatial navigation using the bead maze, a tabletop dead reckoning task, for binge drinking and aging studies, as well as a tablet-based dead reckoning task for concussion work and string-pulling studies evaluating bimanual motor control with varying task demands
• Evaluate efficacy of treatments for neuroplasticity (i.e., 11C7) in stroke models and Alzheimer's disease
• Comparative work evaluating string-pulling behavior in humans and rodents (i.e., rats, mice, prairie voles)
• Administer mass testing questions to recruit potential participants for a binge drinking study, as well as MMSE 2 and MOCA to participants in a binge drinking study, an aging study, and spatial navigation and string-pulling tasks
• Analyze data using a variety of programs, including Python, Matlab, motion capturing software (i.e., Peak Modus program, Noldus, Tracker, Anymaze, DeepLabCut machine learning) as well as GraphPad Prism, SigmaPlot, SPSS and JASP statistical programs, and Macros.
Psychology, Neuroscience
University of Nevada, Las Vegas, NV
Neurobiology of Learning and Memory (PSY 424)
Assistant Professor
• Fall 2023-Spring 2023
Psychology of Aging (PSY 442)
Assistant Professor
• Spring 2023
Psychology, Neuroscience and Behavior
Northern Illinois University, DeKalb, IL
Introduction to Psychology (PSYC 102)
Advanced Graduate Teaching Assistant
• Honors, Fall 2018-Spring 2019
Duties: Coordinated all teaching assistants for PSYC 102 sections, organized and lead boot camp, edited and prepared course material, managed grades for all PSYC 102 sections, teach the honors section, and analyzed test results related to PSYC 102. Also, served as the first point of contact when issues arose with teaching assistants, and helped determine PSYC 102 teaching assistant’s grades and evaluations at the end of each semester.
Graduate Teaching Assistant
• Online, Summer 2019
• In person, Fall 2016, 2017, Spring 2018
Research Methods (PSYC 305) Spring 2016
Graduate Teaching Assistant
Lab Courses
Graduate Teaching Assistant
• Neuropsychology Lab (PSYC 431) Summer 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018
• Animal Cognition Lab (PSYC 411) Fall 2015, Spring 2017
• Independent Study (PSYC 485) Fall 2013-Spring 2020
48. Nuff C, Blackwell AA, Britten RA, Burket J (2022). Examination of Social and Stereotypic Behaviors and Analysis of Interrater Reliability in Deep Space Irradiated Female Wistar Rats. Christopher Newport University. Tidewater Student Research Poster Session, 2022.
47. Jones S, Blair C, Burgess A, Bracy N, Blackwell AA, Britten RA, Burket J (2021). Examination of Social and Stereotypic Behaviors and Analysis of Interrater Reliability in Double-Irradiated Male Wistar Rats. Christopher Newport University. Tidewater Student Research Poster Session, 2021.
46. Kim C, Blackwell AA, Tracz JA, Britten RA (2021). Adaptations in string-pulling behavior following exposure to multiple space flight stressors. Eastern Virginia Medical School Research Day, Virtual.
45. Tracz JA, Blackwell AA, Feeshaye AS, Tidmoore A, Wallace DG, Britten RA (2021). Fine motor deficits exhibited in rat string-pulling behavior following exposure to deep space radiation and sleep fragmentation. Eastern Virginia Medical School Research Day, Virtual.
44. Paluch JM, Blackwell AA, Marsland P, Savage L, Deak T (2021). The influence of chronic alcohol consumption on Alzheimer’s Disease Related Pathology in a rodent model. Binghamton SUNY, Honors Thesis.
43. Nosal K, Pietrucha S, Yang H, Blackwell AA, Osterlund Oltmanns JR, Schaeffer EA, Wallace DG (2020). Pi-Rats of the Caribbean: Effects of age and sex on the organization of food protection behavior in a rodent model of Alzheimer’s disease. Psychology Undergraduate Research Conference. Northern Illinois University, DeKalb IL
42. Lipton MH, Osterlund JR, Blackwell AA, Schaeffer EA, Tsai SY, Kartje GL, Schwab M, Wallace DG (2020). Characterizing efficacy of immunotherapy to promote axonal plasticity in a rodent model of Alzheimer’s Disease. Undergraduate Research and Artistry Day. Northern Illinois University, DeKalb IL
41. Pietrucha S, Yang H, Osterlund JR, Blackwell AA, Schaffer EA, Tsai S, Kartje G, Schwab M, Wallace DG (2020). U Can’t Touch This: Examining the Effects of 11C7 anti-Nogo-A Immunotherapy on Restoring Temporal Processing in Rat Food Protection Behavior. Undergraduate Research and Artistry Day. Northern Illinois University, DeKalb IL
40. Maksimovic B, Lipton MH, Blackwell AA, Schaeffer EA, Osterlund JR, Britten RA , Wallace DG (2020). Space Rat Force: Effects of Galactic Cosmic Rays on Gross Motor Control in Rats. Undergraduate Research and Artistry Day. Northern Illinois University, DeKalb IL
(*Undergraduate award received for poster presentation by first author)
39. Einhaus RM, Roos C, Piwowar-Hein C, Schaeffer EA, Blackwell AA, Osterlund JR, Baulch J, Limoli C, Wallace DG (2020). “NIU, we have a problem:” A study investigating gross locomotor function in galactic space radiated mice. Undergraduate Research and Artistry Day. Northern Illinois University, DeKalb IL
38. Banovetz MT, Blackwell AA, Osterlund JR, Parlogean AM, Yoder RM, Wallace DG (2019). Bilateral chemical labyrinthectomy disrupts mouse exploratory behavior. Psychology Undergraduate Research Conference. Northern Illinois University, DeKalb IL
37. Marchini CJ, Osterlund JR, Blackwell AA, Schaeffer EA, Tsai SY, Kartje GL, Schwab ME, Wallace DG (2019). Effects of anti-Nogo-A immunotherapy on growing septohippocampal cholinergic axons in the adult rat. Psychology Undergraduate Research Conference. Northern Illinois University, DeKalb IL
36. Gilchrist RS, Clark CS, Schaeffer EA, Osterlund JR, Blackwell AA, Baulch J, Limoli C, Wallace DG (2019). What happens in the dark: sexual dimorphisms in mouse exploratory behavior under dark conditions. Psychology Undergraduate Research Conference. Northern Illinois University, DeKalb IL
35. Einhaus RM, Schaeffer EA, Blackwell AA, Osterlund JR, Baulch J, Limoil C, Wallace DG (2019). Mice-tronauts: dark exploration behaviors in galactic space radiated mice. Psychology Undergraduate Research Conference. Northern Illinois University, DeKalb IL
(*Undergraduate award received for poster presentation by first author)
34. Hein CI, Faulk JJ, Schaeffer EA, Osterlund JR, Blackwell AA, Baulch J, Limoil C, Wallace DG (2019). Exploring the galactic frontier: organization of exploratory behavior in Mars mice. Psychology Undergraduate Research Conference. Northern Illinois University, DeKalb IL
33. Lipton MH, Blackwell AA, Osterlund JR, Cuthbert KP, Meyers-Miller I, Britten RA, Wallace DG (2019). Houston, we have a problem: evaluating the effects of low dose space radiation on rat sensorimotor function. Psychology Undergraduate Research Conference. Northern Illinois University, DeKalb IL
32. Parlogean AM, Cuthbert KP, Lipton MH, Lord MK, Slayton AM, Schaeffer EA, Meyers-Miller I, Osterlund JR, Blackwell AA, Britten RA, Wallace DG (2019). Galactic cosmic radiation is a pain in the astronaut: analysis of food protection after Silicon radiation exposure. Psychology Undergraduate Research Conference. Northern Illinois University, DeKalb IL
31. Cuthbert KP, Lipton MH, Blackwell AA, Osterlund JR, Britten RA, Wallace DG (2019). Effects of short-term space radiation on the organization of rat exploration under ark conditions. Psychology Undergraduate Research Conference. Northern Illinois University, DeKalb IL
30. Banovetz MT, Blackwell AA, Yoder RM, Wallace DG (2019). Tipsy, Tilted, and in trouble: Examining the effects of bilateral chemical labyrinthectomy on rodent exploratory behavior. Summer Research Opportunities Program. Northern Illinois University, DeKalb IL
29. Agbemaple T, Osterlund J, Blackwell AA, Wallace DG (2019). iNAV: Assessing dead reckoning based navigation with an electronic application. Undergraduate Research and Artistry Day. Northern Illinois University, DeKalb IL
28. Castillo VE, Lipton MH, Blackwell AA, Osterlund JR, Wallace DG (2019). Wandering in the dark: Evaluating the effects of cholinergic deafferentation in the septohippocampal system. Undergraduate Research and Artistry Day. Northern Illinois University, DeKalb IL
27. Schell BD, Blackwell AA, Wallace DG (2019). Galactic Cosmic Rays: The
Effects of Space Radiation on String-Pulling. Undergraduate Research and Artistry Day.
Northern Illinois University, DeKalb IL
26. Adamczyk N, Johnson R, Blackwell AA, Segismundo A, Foecking E, Wallace DG
(2019). Castration and Concussion: Effects on Skilled Walking. Undergraduate Research and Artistry Day. Northern Illinois University, DeKalb IL
25. Lord M, Cuthbert K, Blackwell AA, Wallace DG (2019). Rat-o-nauts: The
effect of space radiation on exploratory behaviors of rats. 8th Annual Psychology Undergraduate Research Conference. Northern Illinois University, DeKalb IL
24. Banovetz MT, Blackwell AA, Wallace DG (2018). Not So Fast! Using a String-Pulling Task to Evaluate Latent Stroke Treatment. 8th Annual Psychology Undergraduate Research Conference. Northern Illinois University, DeKalb IL
(*Undergraduate award received for poster presentation by first author)
23. Clark C, Blackwell AA, Wallace DG (2018) Rat and Mouse: Tugging at the Strings. 8th Annual Psychology Undergraduate Research Conference. Northern Illinois University, DeKalb IL
(*Undergraduate award received for poster presentation by first author)
22. Lattanzio L, Johnson R, Osterlund J, Blackwell AA, Wallace DG (2018).
Organization of Exploratory Behavior Under Dark Conditions Following Repeated
Concussion. 8th Annual Psychology Undergraduate Research Conference. Northern Illinois University, DeKalb IL
21. Banovetz MT, Blackwell AA, Tsai SY, Kartje GL, Wallace DG (2018) Assessing the Efficacy of Latent Immunotherapy Administration On A Rodent Model of Stroke With A String-Pulling Task. 8th Annual Psychology Undergraduate Research Conference. Northern Illinois University, DeKalb IL
20. Fleming HT, Moser HL, Osterlund JR, Blackwell AA, Wallace DG (2018) Dude, Where’s My Fibers? Effects of Infusing 192-IgG-Saporin into the Medial Septum. 8th Annual Psychology Undergraduate Research Conference. Northern Illinois University, DeKalb IL
19. Mohamed MH, Blackwell AA, Wallace DG (2018) Uh Oh Cheerios: Rat Bimanual Hand Coordination Under Light and Dark Conditions. 8th Annual Psychology Undergraduate Research Conference. Northern Illinois University, DeKalb IL
18. Petersen J, Banovetz MT, Schell BD, Blackwell AA, Wallace DG (2018) Stringing together species: Comparing kinematic and topographic characteristics of bimanual string-pulling behavior in humans (Homo sapiens) and rats (Rattus norvegicus). Chicago Chapter of Society for Neuroscience Annual meeting, Chicago IL
17. Petersen J, Banovetz MT, Schell BD, Blackwell AA, Wallace DG (2018) Stringing together species: Comparing kinematic and topographic characteristics of bimanual string-pulling behavior in humans (Homo sapiens) and rats (Rattus norvegicus). Undergraduate Research Conference and Artistry Day. Northern Illinois University, DeKalb IL
16. Banovetz MT, Blackwell AA, Tsai SY, Kartje GL, Wallace DG (2018) Pulling with a Purpose: Using a String-Pulling task to evaluate the effects of latent immunotherapy on the MCAO rodent model of stroke. Undergraduate Research Conference and Artistry Day. Northern Illinois University, DeKalb IL
(*Undergraduate award received for poster presentation by first author)
15. Weick AC, Johnson R, Hart ML, Blackwell AA, Cheatwood JL, Wallace DG (2018) Tugging on Threads: The Effects of Middle Cerebral Artery Occlusions on Rat String-Pulling Behavior, a Test of Bilateral Fine Motor Control. Undergraduate Research Conference and Artistry Day. Northern Illinois University, DeKalb IL
14. Lipton MH, Blackwell AA, Blankenship PA, Tsai SY, Kartje GL, Wallace DG (2018) Watch your step! Evaluating the effects of delayed immunotherapy administration following a unilateral MCAo. Undergraduate Research Conference and Artistry Day. Northern Illinois University, DeKalb IL
(*Undergraduate award received for poster presentation by first author)
13. Schell BD, Blackwell AA, Yoder RM, Wallace DG (2017) Strings in space: Assessing fine motor control in a zero-gravity mouse model. 7th Annual Psychology Undergraduate Research Conference. Northern Illinois University, DeKalb IL
(*Undergraduate award received for poster presentation by first author)
12. Banovetz MT, Blackwell AA, Wallace DG (2017) From components to the cortex: Building electrodes for field potential analysis in the mouse brain. 7th Annual Psychology Undergraduate Research Conference. Northern Illinois University, DeKalb IL
11. Haworth CR, Blankenship PA, Blackwell AA, Donaldson TN, Tsai S, Kartje GL, Wallace DG (2017) Timing is Everything: Efficacy of Delayed Post-Event Administration of Immunotherapy on Functional Recovery. Undergraduate Research Conference and Artistry Day. Northern Illinois University, DeKalb IL
10. McNeela A, Haworth C, Blankenship PA, Blackwell AA, Donaldson, TN, Tsai S, Kartje GL, Wallace DG (2017) To Go or To NOGO-A: Effectiveness of Immunotherapy in Post-Stroke Cognition. Undergraduate Research Conference and Artistry Day. Northern Illinois University, DeKalb IL
9. Drendel L, Hahn N, Blankenship PA, Blackwell AA, Tsai S, Kartje GL, Wallace DG (2017) Turning the Tide: Effect of Anti-NOGO-A Immunotherapy on Performance in a Morris Water Task Following MCAO. Undergraduate Research Conference and Artistry Day. Northern Illinois University, DeKalb IL
(*Undergraduate award received for poster presentation by first author)
8. Duran S, Dorris K, Blankenship PA, Blackwell AA, Tsai SY, Kartje GL, Wallace DG (2017) The Slippery Slope of Stroke Recovery: Effects of Anti-NOGO-A 11C7 Immunotherapy on Performance in a Ladder Rung Walking Task Following Unilateral MCAO. Undergraduate Research Conference and Artistry Day. Northern Illinois University, DeKalb IL
7. Banovetz MT, Faulkner T, Blackwell AA, Blankenship PA, Donaldson TN, Tsai SY, Kartje GL, Wallace DG (2017) Reaching for Recovery: The Effects of Delayed Anti-Nogo-A Immunotherapy on Fine Motor Control After Middle Cerebral Artery Occlusion. Undergraduate Research Conference and Artistry Day. Northern Illinois University, DeKalb IL
6. Baumeister J, Blackwell AA, Blankenship PA, Donaldson TN, Tsai SY, Kartje GL, Wallace DG (2017) Rats and Strings: Immediate Effects of Anti-NOGO-A Immunotherapy on Motoric Functions after a Stroke. Undergraduate Research Conference and Artistry Day. Northern Illinois University, DeKalb IL
5. Baajj S, Wiseman AC, Widick WL, Foster BC, Blackwell AA, Wallace DG
(2015) The New String Theory: Does Relative Mass Influence Organization of String Pulling Behavior. Undergraduate Research Conference and Artistry Day. Northern Illinois University, DeKalb IL
4. Foster BC, Widick WL, Blackwell AA, Wallace DG (2015) Matching motivation:
Does reinforcement contingency influence the organization of string pulling behavior? Undergraduate Research Conference and Artistry Day. Northern Illinois University, DeKalb IL
3. Wiseman AC, Baajj S, Widick WL, Blackwell AA, Wallace DG (2015) Pulling One’s Weight: Organization of String-Pulling Behavior Altered by Variations in Weight. Undergraduate Research Conference and Artistry Day. Northern Illinois University, DeKalb IL
2. Widick, WL, Blackwell AA, Wallace DG (2015) Following a threat: Transient and
persistent movement organization associated with devascularization of the SMC in a string pulling task. Undergraduate Research Conference and Artistry Day. Northern Illinois University, DeKalb IL
1. Widick WL, Blackwell AA, Wallace DG (2014) Rope in Recovery: Tugging at recovery or compensation following cortical devascularization. 4th Annual Psychology Undergraduate Research Conference and Artistry Day. Northern Illinois University, DeKalb IL
(*Undergraduate award received for poster presentation by first author)
MindHive, USA, Current
High school outreach, mentoring students through the scientific process and research development in STEM.
Letters to Pre-scientists, Internationally, 2022-Current
Grade school outreach engaging students in STEM.
Breast Cancer Fund-Raiser, Virginia Beach, VA, 2021
Raise awareness about cancer treatment and its effects on cognition.
STEM Summer Camp, DeKalb, IL, 2019
Neuroscience and behavior department. Share information and activities about the rodent models, brain, memory, spatial orientation, and psychology in general to high school students.
STEMfest, DeKalb, IL
Neuroscience and behavior booth, 2015-2018
Duties: Share knowledge, information, and activities about the brain, memory, spatial orientation, and psychology in general to children and the general public.
Supervise laser lab, 2013-2014
Duties: Provide children with explanation of how lasers work in different mediums and mazes.
Hope Haven Homeless Shelter, DeKalb, IL, 2015
Tails Humane Society, DeKalb, IL, 2015
Science day, Geneva Grade School, Geneva, IL, 2015
Duties: Present information and activities on psychology to grade school children, including topics of memory, learning, the brain, and cardiac function.
Northern Illinois Food Bank, Geneva, IL, 2012-2015
Duties: Sort food to be distributed to food pantries, soup kitchens, shelters, and others in need.
Ben Gordon Center Call-a-thon, DeKalb IL, 2012-2014
Duties: Called locals in the community to fundraise and raise awareness of mental health and ask for support and donations for the local mental health facility.
Day of Caring, DeKalb, IL, 2014
Duties: Help improve community through various clean-up and restoration activities.
Destination Imagination, DeKalb, IL, 2013
Duties: Supervised the creation stage of the convention where grade school children improvised skits on different topics.
Card Making for Oak Crest Nursing Home, DeKalb, IL, 2012
Duties: Made and delivered Valentine’s Day cards to the elderly at their residences.
Gift Bags for Hope Haven, DeKalb, IL, 2011, 2012
Duties: Organized dried goods and toiletries for local Hope Haven shelter.
Big Brother Big Sister, DeKalb, IL, 2011-2012
Duties: Mentored a young child through activities we both enjoy each week; provide friendship, guidance, and a positive influence in the life of the child.
Habitat for Humanity, Murfreesboro, TN, 2011
Duties: Built houses; focused on shelter, advocated for affordable housing, supported sustainable and transformational development, and promoted dignity and hope.
Meals on Wheels, River Forest, IL, 2009-2010
Duties: Delivered meals to the elderly and provided companionship.
St. Malachy’s Church Soup Kitchen, River Forest, IL, 2009
Duties: Provided meals, companionship, and mentoring to locals in the community.
Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience, Review Editor, Motivation and Reward, Current
Institutional Review Board, Outside member, Lewis University, Romeoville, IL, 2020-Current
Graduate Student Advisory Council, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Representative, NIU, DeKalb, IL, 2019-2020
Graduate Student Advisory Council, Psychology Department, NIU, DeKalb, IL 2016-2018
Graduate Colloquium Committee, NIU, DeKalb, IL, 2016-2017
Radiation Research Society, Postdoctoral member, 2021
Research Society on Alcohol, Postdoctoral member, 2020-2021
Brookhaven National Institute, Researcher, NY, 2020-2024
NASA Human Research Program Workshop, Graduate Member, 2020, Postdoctoral member, 2021-2023
Midwestern Psychological Association, Graduate Member, 2014-2021
Chicago Society for Neuroscience, Student Member, 2013, Graduate Member, 2016- 2019
Society for Neuroscience, Student Member, 2012, Graduate Member, 2014, 2019
Student Psychological Association, Student Representative, Psychology Department, NIU 2011-2013
American Psychological Association, Student Affiliate, 2012
References are available upon request.